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KRAs, Objectives, MOVs for Performance Management and Evaluation System (PMES) for Teachers in the School Year 2024-2025

KRAs, Objectives, MOVs for Performance Management and Evaluation System (PMES) for Teachers in the School Year 2024-2025
KRAs, Objectives, MOVs for Performance Management and Evaluation System (PMES) for Teachers in the School Year 2024-2025

This article provides a detailed overview of the Key Result Areas (KRAs), Objectives, and Means of Verification (MOVs) under the Performance Management and Evaluation System (PMES) for teachers in School Year 2024-2025.

I. Proficient Teachers

KRA 1: Content, Knowledge, Pedagogy

Objective 1. Applied knowledge of content within and across curriculum teaching areas (PPST 1.1.2)

MOV: Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet/s or inter-observer agreement form/s done through onsite / face-to-face / in-person classroom observation

Objective 2. Used research-based knowledge and principles of teaching and learning to enhance professional practice (PPST 1.2.2)

MOV: Any one (1) of the following used in each of the full-period classroom observations:

● Lesson Plan (e.g., DLP, DLL, WHLP,
● WLL, Lesson Exemplars, and the likes)
● Activity Sheet
● Assessment materials
● Others (specify)

with annotation describing the use of research-based knowledge and principles of teaching and learning process

Objective 3. Ensured the positive use of ICT to facilitate the teaching and learning process (PPST 1.3.2)

MOV: Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet/s or inter-observer agreement form/s done through onsite / face-to-face / in-person classroom observation

Objective 4. Used a range of teaching strategies that enhance learner achievement in literacy and numeracy skills (PPST 1.4.2)

MOV: Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet/s or inter-observer agreement form/s done through onsite / face-to-face / in-person classroom observation

Objective 5. Used effective verbal and non-verbal classroom communication strategies to support learner understanding, participation, engagement and achievement (PPST 1.7.2)

MOV: Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet/s or inter-observer agreement form/s done through onsite / face-to-face / in-person classroom observation

KRA 2: Learning Environment and Diversity of Learners

Objective 6. Maintained learning environments that nurture and inspire learners to participate, cooperate and collaborate in continued learning (PPST 2.4.2)

MOV: Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet/s or inter-observer agreement form/s done through onsite / face-to-face / in-person classroom observation

Objective 7. Applied a range of successful strategies that maintain learning environments that motivate learners to work productively by assuming responsibility for their own learning (PPST 2.5.2)

MOV: Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet/s or inter-observer agreement form/s done through onsite / face-to-face / in-person classroom observation

Objective 8. Designed, adapted and implemented teaching strategies that are responsive to learners with disabilities, giftedness and talents (PPST 3.3.2)

MOV: Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet/s or inter-observer agreement form/s done through onsite / face-to-face / in-person classroom observation

Objective 9. Planned and delivered teaching strategies that are responsive to the special educational needs of learners in difficult circumstances", including: geographic isolation; chronic illness; displacement due to armed conflict, urban resettlement or disasters; child abuse and child labor practices (PPST 3.4.2)

MOV: Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet/s or inter-observer agreement form/s done through onsite / face-to-face / in-person classroom observation

KRA 3: Curriculum and Planning & Assessment and Reporting

Objective 10. Adapted and implemented learning programs that ensure relevance and responsiveness to the needs of all learners (PPST 4.3.2)

Any one (1) of the following:
1. Proof of implementation of learning programs (e.g., progress report, accomplishment report
2. Proof of contextualization, localization and indigenization of learning programs (e.g., progress report, technical report)
3. Proof of adaptation of learning programs (e.g., progress report, accomplishment report)
4. Action plan/activity proposal/activity matrix for adaptation and implementation of learning programs

with annotation describing the relevance and responsiveness of the learning programs to the needs of all learners

KRA 4: Community Linkages and Professional Engagement

Objective 11. Maintained learning environments that are responsive to community contexts (PPST 6.1.2)

Any one (1) of the following:
1. Communication letter about a program/project/activity that highlights maintaining learning environments that are responsive to community contexts
2. Minutes of a consultative meeting/community stakeholders meeting about a program/project/activity that highlights maintaining learning environments that are responsive to community contexts with proof of attendance
3. Program/Project/Activity Plan that highlights maintaining learning environments that are responsive to community contexts
4. Report on the implementation/ completion of a program, project, and/or activity that maintains learning environments responsive to community contexts

Objective 12. Reviewed regularly personal teaching practice using existing laws and regulations that apply to the teaching profession and the responsibilities specified in the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers (PPST 6.3.2)

Any one (1) of the following:
1. Minutes/Notes of coaching and mentoring sessions/meetings/FGDs/other collegial discussions
2. Teaching materials, with annotation highlighting the objective, e.g..
● lesson plan
● activity sheet
● assessment materials
● others (please specify)
3. Reflection Notes

Objective 13. Complied with and implemented school policies and procedures consistently to foster harmonious relationships with learners, parents, and other stakeholders (PPST 6.4.2)

Any one (1) of the following:
1. Proof of participation/involvement in a school-community partnership for the implementation of a school policy / procedure
2. Accomplishment report

KRA 5: Personal Growth and Professional Development

14. Adopted practices that uphold the dignity of teaching as a profession by exhibiting qualities such as caring attitude, respect and integrity (PPST 7.2.2)

Any one (1) of the following:
1. A reflection/journal entry that highlights practices that uphold the dignity of teaching as a profession
2. Annotated evidence of practice, including but not limited to the following:
● Documented feedback from superiors, colleagues, or other stakeholders directly reflecting the ratee's good practices that uphold the dignity of teaching as a profession
● Remarks from superiors, colleagues, or master teacher/school head about one's qualities (e.g., entries in Performance Monitoring and Coaching Form [PMCF] or in Mid-Year Review Form)
● Recognition from the school/school community about one's qualities
3. Others (please specify)


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