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Implementation of the Second Tranche of the Updated Salary Schedule for Civilian Government Personnel Under EO No. 64, s. 2024

The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) has officially issued National Budget Circular (NBC) No. 597, which outlines the implementation of the second tranche of the updated salary schedule for civilian government personnel under Executive Order (EO) No. 64, s. 2024. This significant development brings exciting news for public servants across the nation, as it reflects the government's commitment to improving compensation in line with current economic conditions and enhancing public service delivery.

In a recent statement, Undersecretary for Finance Annalyn Sevilla of the Department of Education (DepEd) in her latest post in her official FB page "We may now start the processing of the salary increase for  FY2025 🤗". She confirmed that the department is now ready to start processing the salary increase for Fiscal Year (FY) 2025. She emphasized that the updated salary schedule will positively impact DepEd personnel, underscoring the administration’s dedication to uplifting the welfare of teachers and non-teaching staff.


For the full text of the circular and additional details, refer to National Budget Circular No. 597.

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