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Gov't Agencies to Implement First Salary Increase Tranche this August 2024

The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) has officially authorized government agencies to begin the distribution of the first phase of the salary increase under the Salary Standardization Law (SSL) VI this August. This move marks a significant milestone in the government's commitment to improving the compensation and benefits of its employees, aiming to enhance their overall welfare and align salaries more closely with the private sector.

Stay tuned for more details.

Gov't Agencies to Implement First Salary Increase Tranche this August 2024
Gov't Agencies to Implement First Salary Increase Tranche this August 2024

Salary Increase for DepEd Personnel under Executive Order no. 64 effective January 2024

Under Executive Order No. 64, "Updating the Salary Schedule for Civilian Government Personnel and Authorizing the Grant of an Additional Allowance, and for Other Purposes," teachers holding teaching and non-teaching positions will see a gradual increase in their salaries over the next four years. This order aims to address the economic challenges faced by government employees, including inflation and the erosion of purchasing power.

IMPORTANT: The first tranche of the salary increase will be retroactive, covering the period from January to December 2024. This means that government workers will receive back pay for 2024, along with their regular pay starting in January 2025. The second tranche for 2025 will coincide with this retroactive adjustment.

When asked if government workers will see both the 2024 and 2025 adjusted rates in their paychecks starting January 2025, Secretary PangandamanA confirmed this, stating that the second tranche is included. READ MORE

Salary Increase for DepEd starting January 2024

Positions 1st Tranche 2nd Tranche 3rd Tranche 4th Tranche
Teacher I P28,512 P30,024 P31,705 P33,387
Teacher II P30,705 P32,245 P33,947 P35,650
Teacher III P32,870 P34,421 P36,125 P37,987
Head Teacher I P35,434 P37,024 P38,764 P40,505
Head Teacher II P38,413 P40,208 P42,178 P44,148
Head Teacher III P41,616 P43,560 P45,694 P47,829
Master Teacher I P49,015 P5T1,304 P53,818 P56,332
Master Teacher II P53,873 P56,390 P59,153 P61,916
Master Teacher III P60,157 P62,967 P66,052 P69,138
Master Teacher IV P67,005 P70,013 P73,303 P76,594
Principal I P53,873 P56,390 P59,153 P61,916
Principal II P60,157 P62,967 P66,052 P69,138
Principal III P67,005 P70,013 P73,303 P76,594
Principal IV P74,836 P78,162 P81,796 P85,431


The salary adjustment under EO No. 64 is driven by the need to ensure that government employees, including teachers, are adequately compensated in light of the prevailing economic conditions. Key reasons for this update include:

Economic Circumstances

The salary increase aims to counter the effects of inflation and the decrease in purchasing power, ensuring that government employees can maintain a reasonable standard of living.

Competent Workforce

By updating the salaries and benefits, the government seeks to retain a competent, committed, agile, and healthy workforce.

Social Justice and Excellence

The increase promotes social justice, integrity, efficiency, accountability, and excellence in public service, which in turn is expected to lead to increased productivity and higher-quality services for the public.

This step-by-step increase in salaries is a significant move towards ensuring that teachers and other government personnel are fairly compensated and motivated to deliver excellent public services.


The DBM's go signal for the first phase of the salary increase under SSL VI is a welcome development for government employees. As the first phase of this initiative rolls out this August, it reaffirms the government's commitment to investing in its workforce, recognizing their essential contributions, and striving to provide a more competitive compensation package that can help enhance the quality of public service in the country.

Government employees  will be keenly watching the implementation of this salary adjustment, which is just the first step in a series of planned increases aimed at uplifting the compensation structure within the public sector over the coming years.

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