Suggested Reflection Statement to be Used on DLP & DLL (For English), Free Download
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Suggested Reflection Statement to be Used on DLP & DLL (For English), Free Download |
Suggested Reflection Statement to be Used on DLP & DLL (For English), Free Download
Part VI. Reflection
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
1. Group work among my students’ works well because I see them all engaged in the activity.
2. Collaboration is evident and effective during the delivery of my lesson. The students are seen to be very cooperative in learning process.
3. Giving students more time to explore and discover the task given allows them to make their presentations nice and effective. It teaches them to think of a great presentation.
4. Allowing students to think of their own strategies on how to present the activity shows their thorough understanding of the lesson and enhances their creativity. Yet guidance of the teacher is very much required.
5. Grouping is seen to be very effective in every classroom activity because students will learn on how to deal with the different family orientations showed by their classmates. They learn to be flexible.
6. Creative presentations such as singing, dancing, acting, playing musical instruments are also very effective. Some of them are new to each other yet they work effectively to showcase a creative and relevant theme activity.
7. Differentiated instruction is very much effective because it caters to the multiple intelligences present in each student.
8. Profiling students provides the teacher from the better to the best idea on how to deal with them and on what particular strategy would best fit for their kind.
9. Discussion first, then activity is also found out to be very effective since students in this generation has a very limited attention span.
10. Video presentations as a springboard to teaching are likewise effective. Pupils absorb it faster if they are looking at a video; because most of the students these days are bodily kinesthetic and visual learners.
11. Game as an introduction to a topic was also found out to be very effective as well. Students tend to understand easy and well if they are enjoying the lesson. Learning at the same time enjoying is effective because a happy class is a learning class.
12. Power Point Presentations are also very useful for students. It facilitates easy and faster delivery of the lessons.
13. Sharing teachers experience related to the lesson is also useful because it sets the mood of the students that if others can do it, why can’t they.
14. Indigenize, Localize and contextualize instructional materials are the most powerful thing to do in whatever subject that we are teaching.
15. Encourage students to say their answers in English if the medium of instruction is English; yet answers said in vernacular will also be accepted. Forcing them to speak English might hinder their drive to answer. It is now the teacher’s responsibility to translate it in English.
16. Making thing easier for the students by going down to their level and bring them to the top with the teacher slowly. No one should be left behind.
17. Reward system is also seen to be very effective as well. Rewards need not to be expensive. Educational things may do. ( pen, notebooks, etc.) But it can be done on schedule or by surprise so as not to let students expect that you have it every day.
18. Introducing the subject in the happiest way creates the idea of “I can make it“ to the students. Teacher may start with “Who among you here experienced ….?, Who loves to…? and a lot more.
19. Appreciating them in everything they do was also found out to be a very positive reinforcement for the students. Teacher’s affirmation of what the students are doing is their basis of telling themselves that they did the right thing and followed the right instruction.
20. Always showing positivity in everything encourages the students to do more and strive more to please their teacher and get the good grades that they wanted was very evident inside the classroom. Happiness is the best thing to be shown to the students.
21. Respecting student’s point of view is very much needed inside the classroom. They will do the same thing to their fellow students.
22. Processing student’s questions and queries help them to thoroughly understand what is being meant.
23. Being a friend, a guidance counselor, a mother, and a teacher yet maintaining the respect, and letting them feel that you understand them is also a very good strategy. It is one way of establishing comfort and trust.
24. Let the students feel that they are loved and wanted by always checking on who is absent and what happened to them, or even ask them if they are good or not.
25. Always show them love, respect and care; very effective strategy to maintain their respect and love to their teacher.
26. Students are seen to be having fun and enjoyment in the learning process as can be seen in their positive and happy facial expressions.
27. The class showed excitement in sharing their ideas to their respective groups in a BRAINSTORMING activity as evident in the academic noise happening in the classroom.
28. Student outputs are impressive as they were able to connect to the lesson and create new ideas in relevance to the topic discussed.
29. The use of differentiated instruction triggered the creativity of my students and eliminated the shyness of the students. With the activities, all of my students are able to participate and contribute to the class learning and activities.
30. With the group work I have provided, the learners were able to synergize and the results of their outputs are much more than what I have expected.
31. Harnessing the creative abilities of my learners is proven to be very effective. Those learners who thought that they couldn’t create artistic masterpieces were proven wrong; I believe I have brought out the artists within my students
32. Giving my students group or pair-work activities seems to be effective in preserving their attention to the class and retention of the lessons.
33. My students love interactive activities, songs, dances, jazz chants or raps. Their senses seem to be awakened and revitalized every time they are asked to stand up and present their outputs/learning in a creative way.
34. Using PowerPoint presentations, youtube videos, flocabulary songs and raps, and other materials used with the aid of technology really capture the attention of my learners.
35. Letting my students act out or mime their answers in class eradicates their inhibitions to the medium of communication (English).
36. If my learners are given the freedom to choose how they are going to present their outputs/answers to my questions, I find it very effective, at the same time entertaining. My learners are not bored, and their talents and skills are honed.
37. Paired students activity is found to be effective for the first week of classes because students are still adjusting to their new classmates; it is still difficult for them to be in groups.
38. Giving different activities to my students for a target learning/skill enabled them to showcase their different talents.
39. Incorporating songs in my class made my students more motivated and interested to actively participate in the learning process.
40. The “picture Talk” activity enabled my students to use vivid descriptions of things presented; their vocabulary is enriched.
41. Stating my class with a “ Game of words” or “ Blockbuster Game” was found to effective to serve as brainstorming process for vocabulary lesson.
42. Letting the students sing the poem in rap, or in their chosen song genre added the joy and interest in the class making them realize that learning should be fun.
43. The “How-To-Do-It” activity is found to be a useful activity to develop students skill in describing process or following steps.
44. The Cloze Test activity is good for the students to develop their skills in synonyms or using appropriate or applicable words.
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?
1. I encountered difficulty in the use of localized Instructional Materials (IMs)for my class, sometimes the availability is an issue.
2. Classroom Structuring is difficult for me. I need proper guidance from an Instructional leader like my School Head.
3. Students Attitude during the class is seen as a problem. Dealing with pupils/students in this class is a challenge.
4. Bullying among the pupils/classmates is bearable but needs proper guidance from my superior.
5. Rubric making is difficult for me. I truly need the help from my superior or any master teacher.
6. Tardiness among SHS students was observed this week. It is something that is beyond our control as teachers. What is important for us is that they come to school and ensure that they would keep coming every day.
7. Lack of restrooms and scheduled water supply was also observed. Yet, our School Head is doing something about it already.
8. Our pathway going to the next building needs to be paid attention. As of the moment, teacher’s constant guidance is made.
9. Classroom is not secured as of the moment, I have to be patient and make necessary measures for the good and safety of my students.
10. Students love colors all around them. I need to make my instructional materials as colorful as possible.
11. Trash bins are very much needed to address cleanliness in the classroom.
12. It would be appreciated if a teacher shall be given relevant training even at school level.
13. Strict adherence to school rules and regulations among teachers and students would be very useful.
14. It is also observed that male students, in spite of our constant reminder about proper hair cut still are not cutting their hair properly.
15. Male and Female students are also constantly reminded about the wearing of tattered jeans inside the campus, yet, they are still wearing it.
16. Students are participative and willing to learn but some classes have lower level of proficiency thus some classes with the same subject lessons are way too behind. LPs may vary in terms of number of hours.
17. Availability of technological equipment and facilities like HDMIs LCD projector (there’s only one/few in our school), AVR is a great factor in learning especially that some subjects offered now require the use of technology like Media and Information Literacy (computers and Internet connection) and Oral Communication (speech Laboratory).
18. I am having difficulty in deciding what localized materials to use, since I am not from the locality, and I am not yet aware of the culture of the people, their customs and traditions; and I also do not know yet what is the native product of the place.
19. Sometimes filling in the various forms required might be a challenge, nevertheless, guidance from my school head will eliminate this challenge.
20. The competencies specified in the curriculum guide might be a little too complicated for my students, thus, I need the help of a superior to fill me in with the previous knowledge of the learners so I can adjust, and remediate if needed, before working on with the competencies.
21. The transition from certain grade level to the next seems challenging for my students, they need to be aware on how to act according to their age, perhaps, advice from a superior on how to help my learners in this phase will be of great help.
22. The constant need for ice breakers and unfreezing activities is a challenge for me, maybe a workshop on creative ways of engaging my students in these kinds of activities, and using it as a springboard to my lesson will help me a lot.
23. My principal is very unreasonable with making of lesson plan. Example, if the previous lessons were not taught because of unavoidable interruption of classes, we need to rewrite the lesson plan. He will not allow us to just note: “lesson continued this week due to the class interruption last week….”
24. Our principal, the master teachers, and our department head observe classes. Sometimes a teacher is observed by the three of them in a week. So harsh for us.
25. Our principal is always having meetings, most of the times unscheduled. So classes are always interrupted.
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with other teachers?
1. I find a localized video showing activity a very interesting and effective material for my class.
2. Making use of the big books with photos of the community and the school excites my pupils/students as I teach them.
3. I am already looking at the bananas planted in front of our building to be used for my weaving activity in Contemporary Arts in the region. (we will use the dried parts of banana, in our vernacular we call it “lopis”)
4. I already told my students to start collecting foil materials from powdered milk, juices and candy wrappers for our activities in contemporary arts.
5. I gave my students the idea on what are the things that can be used in our future activities. As early as now, they already knew the activities that they will soon do in the classroom. It is done to give them time to collect and save the materials that they need. (ex. Ginit from coconut, dried cogon leaves, dried flowers, etc.)
6. They started collecting sea shells to be used for their ornamental activity. It is abundant in the area because the place is just meters away from the sea shore.
7. Local musical compositions would be very nice to use in the classroom if any in their area.
8. Observing their own local festivities would be a very good tool for the students to writing a reaction paper. They would be very much interested to write about it because they personally knew the origin of the festival.(Suman and Humba Festival of Barangay ______ or even their town fiesta)
9. Local folk tales about how their town got its name would also be a very nice springboard for a stage play. It would educate every town’s folk and make them love their town more.
10. Showcasing the success stories of different people in the area is also a very interesting story and I believe effective in uplifting the morale of our students. They would think that if it happens to others, it can also happen to them.
11. For Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions, visual arts and other forms of arts like dances, music can be maximized to facilitate and enhance the natural inclinations of the students to arts.
12. The local culture, legends/stories can be utilized to create a theatrical presentation among students.
13. By letting the students showcase the products and pride of their community, I find that my learner’s sense of pride of their place have increased tremendously.
14. Inviting barangay and municipal officials, managers from nearby plants and factories have reawakened the determination of my learners to strive hard and become productive citizens in the near future.
15. By asking my students to present their outputs through SOIL painting, their creativity were unleashed, and they realized that a piece of art need not to be made out of expensive materials; one just needs to look at what is around him and make use of it.
16. Giving group quizzes to my learners in a form of a quiz bee or a local game show is a great help, since it’s not a typical pen and paper test, the students enjoy the quiz and are not threatened by it, collaboration and cooperation is very evident, and cheating is greatly minimized.
17. I find that letting my students create a short movie clip/video shot in their locality and featuring their community is very entertaining at the same time innovative and informative.
18. I have found out that the localities of my learners have very rich history, and folklore that can be further explored. By letting them research on myths and legends of their barangays, my learners are amazed to discover information they have not encountered before.
19. The SOSA is a modified version of the President’s SONA, and by asking my students to make one, I have begun to understand more deeply their attitudes, strengths and weaknesses, and what makes them the way they are. I understand my learners better now.
20. Making use of foreign materials and adapting them for my learners (e.g. mandala, pecha kucha) ensures that my learners are also aware of the global trends and traditions, thus helping them become global learners with 21st century skills.
21. Using old magazines and cutting the pictures in them for the activities “picture talk” and “ Show and Tell”
22. Using our Mini Museum for a class tour for the old buildings in the city and for the people in the past who contributed for the development of our locality.
23. The prepared power point presentations for all my lessons can be useful to my fellow teachers.
24. My lessons put in tarpaulins will be preserved and be shared to my co-teachers.
25. My well-thought of and well- prepared worksheets/ activity sheets can also be used by my co-teachers.
26. The pictures of our school and its surroundings can be used to develop love for one’s own place.
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