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Key points on the Phased Implementation of the MATATAG Curriculum for SY 2024-2025 and thereafter

 The MATATAG Curriculum shall be implemented in phases. It shall start in SY 2024-2025 for Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 4, and Grade 7. It shall be implemented in subsequent grade levels in the succeeding school years. Refer to Table 1 on the scheduled phased implementation of the MATATAG Curriculum.

The implementing guidelines of the MATATAG Curriculum for SHS ( Grade 11 and 12) shall be released in a separate issuance.

In school years that the MATATAG Curriculum will not be implemented yet in the other grade levels, the 2016 K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum (BEC), focusing on the Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs) shall continue to be adopted, regardless of the learning delivery modalities (LDMs). The time allotment of the 2016 K to 12 BEC shall be recalibrated following the MATATAG Curriculum time allotment. The recalibrated time allotment is contained in ANNEX 3 of the DepEd Order 010 s2024 - Policy Guidelines on the Implementation of the MATATAG.  Curriculum. The implementation of the 2016 K to 12 BEC using the MELCs hall be replaced gradually in the succeeding school years following the phased implementation of the MATATAG Curriculum.

Sample time allotment for Grade 1 to 3

Sample time allotment for Grade 4-6

Sample time allotment for Grade 7-10

Source: DepEd Order 010 s2024 - Policy Guidelines on the Implementation of the MATATAG Curriculum - DOWNLOAD

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