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DepEd Released New Adjusted and Revised RPMS Timeline Schedule for School Year 2023-2024

 The Department of Education (DepEd) has recently introduced a guidance on the implementation of DepEd Results-Based Performance management system (RPMS) relative to EO no. 61 s. 2024  for the academic year 2023-2024. This updated timeline, as outlined in DepEd Order 003, s. 2024, signifies a significant shift in the school calendar guidelines. 

The new schedule divides the RPMS cycle into distinct phases, encompassing periods for teacher vacation, data collection, performance evaluation, and development planning. 

In view of the foregoing and to provide DepEd schools and school-based personnel ample time to perform RPMS related activities, an adjusted and revised RPMS Timeline for SY 2023-2024 shall be provided as follows:

DepEd Released New RPMS-PPST Schedule for School Year 2023-2024

The RPMS-PPST framework plays a crucial role in ensuring that educators meet professional standards and continuously enhance their competencies. By aligning the performance assessment process with the official DepEd calendar, this update emphasizes the department's dedication to transparency and enhancing the quality of education in the Philippines. 

To ensure efficient capturing the RPMS-PPST data of teachers, the following Excel-based electronic RPMS-PPST tools for Proficient and Highly Proficient Teachers are made available for use in the implementation of RPMS-PPAST:

  • Electronic IPCRF (e-IPCRF) for SY 2023-2024 - DOWNLOAD
  1. All Ratees and Raters in the RPMS-PPST shall used the official e-IPCRF tool in imputing teachers' IPCRF data for SY 2023-2024.
  2. Schools shall collect all accomplished and finalized e-IPCRF of teachers, and using the school's official DepEd email address, upload the e-IPCRF in Excel format to  the online e-IPCRF Collection and Consolidation System through this link: The uploading of eIPCRFs shall be done from July 1 to July 26, 2024.

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