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Good News! Government Employees to receive ₱7,000 worth of Clothing Allowance for FY 2024

The clothing allowance is intended to defray the expenses for uniforms or distinctive clothing that are required for their work. The allowance may be granted in the form of uniforms, textile materials and cash, or cash only, depending on the guidelines issued by the Department of Budget and Management (DBM).

Good News! Government Employees to receive ₱7,000 worth of Clothing Allowance for FY 2024
Good News! Government Employees to receive ₱7,000 worth of Clothing Allowance for FY 2024

The clothing allowance covers civilian government personnel occupying regular, contractual, or casual positions; appointive or elective; rendering services on full-time or part-time basis. However, some personnel are excluded from the coverage, such as military and uniformed personnel, foreign service personnel, barangay officials and employees, and those hired without employer-employee relationships.

The clothing allowance will be released to all eligible personnel not earlier than the first working day of April of the current year, subject to existing accounting and auditing rules and regulations, and upon the release of the Notice of Cash Allocation from DBM.

The clothing allowance is one of the ways that the government recognizes and rewards the valuable service of teachers and other government employees. It is also a means of

Uniform or Clothing Allowance. An amount not exceeding Seven Thousand Pesos (P7,000) per year is hereby authorized for the payment of uniform or clothing allowance to each qualified goverment employee, subject to B.C. No. 2018-1 dated March 8, 2018, and such other guidelines issued by the DBM.

In a statement, the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) said that it allocated P1.368 billion in the proposed budget for FY 2024 to fund the additional P1,000 in the uniform or clothing allowance of over 1.3 million government employees.

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