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Grade 10 Teaching Guides: Sexual and Reproductive Health  (Catch Up Fridays)

FEBRUARY 16, 2024

  • Quarter 3 Theme: Sexual and Reproductive Health
  • Sub Theme: Cultural norms and sources of messages relating to sexuality
  1. Identify cultural norms and sources of messages related to sexuality.
  2. Analyze the influence of cultural norms and media messages on sexual and reproductive health behaviors.
  3. Develop critical thinking skills in evaluating and challenging societal norms and messages related to sexuality.

Lesson Proper

Friday Routine Exercise/Dynamic Stimulator (5 minutes):

Begin the class with a brief mindfulness exercise or stretching routine to energize and focus the students for the lesson ahead.

Current Health News and Sharing (5 minutes):

Discuss recent news related to sexual and reproductive health or gender equality. Encourage students to share their thoughts or any related experiences they may have.

Health Session (30 minutes):

Introduction (5 minutes):

 Briefly introduce the topic of cultural norms and sources of messages relating to sexuality. Explain that cultural norms and media messages play a significant role in shaping attitudes and behaviors related to sexual and reproductive health.

Playing Games (10 minutes): 

Play a game like "Myth vs. Fact" where students are presented with statements related to sexual health and have to determine whether they are myths or facts. This engages students in active learning and dispels common misconceptions.

Sample Activity (15 minutes):

Choose one activity from the following options:

Role-playing: Divide students into groups and assign each group a scenario related to cultural norms and sexuality. They will role-play the scenario and discuss possible outcomes.

Group Discussion: Lead a discussion on the portrayal of sexuality in various forms of media (e.g., movies, advertisements, social media) and how it influences perceptions and behaviors.

Hands-on Activity: Provide materials for creating collages representing cultural norms and media messages about sexuality. Afterward, students present their collages and discuss their interpretations.

Class Reflection and Sharing (10 minutes):

After the activity, facilitate a reflective discussion where students share their insights, observations, and questions. Encourage them to consider how cultural norms and media messages impact their own beliefs and behaviors regarding sexual health.

Wrap Up (10 minutes):

Summarize the key points discussed during the lesson, emphasizing the importance of critically analyzing cultural norms and media messages related to sexuality. Encourage students to continue questioning societal norms and seeking accurate information about sexual and reproductive health.

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