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Guidelines on the Conduct of the In-Service Training for Teachers (INSET) for SY 2023-2024

The conduct of In-service Training (INSET) is an essential component of the Department of Education's (DEPED) efforts to improve the quality of education in the Philippines. The SY 2023-2024 INSET program will be no exception, with a focus on providing teachers with the necessary skills and knowledge to deliver quality education to their students.

The INSET program will cover a wide range of topics, including updates on the K-12 curriculum, teaching strategies, assessment and evaluation techniques, and classroom management. The program will also provide opportunities for teachers to collaborate and share best practices with their colleagues, as well as engage in professional development activities to enhance their teaching skills.
To ensure the success of the INSET program, the DEPED will employ a variety of training methods, such as lectures, workshops, and hands-on activities. The program will also be tailored to meet the needs of different types of teachers, from those who are just starting out in their careers to those who have been teaching for many years.

In relation to this, Wilfredo Cabral, DepEd Officer-in-Charge, Office of the Undersecretary for Human Resource and Organizational Development, issued issued a memorandum (DM-OUHROD-2024-0037) last week that outlined its guidelines as regards the conduct of INSET. Click here to read the DepEd’s Memo on Guidelines for the Conduct of INSET 2023-2024:

1) Higher Order Thinking Skills – Professional Learning Packages (HOTS-PLP) for English, Mathematics, and Science;
2)  Instructional Leadership Training (ILT): Strengthening Learning Conditions for Early Literacy
3) Training for Teachers Teaching Non-Major Subjects (e.g., Filipino, MAPEH, etc.);
4) Microsoft 365 Productivity Online Training through DepEd Philippines;
5) National Learning Camp;
6) National Reading Program;
7) National Mathematics Program;
8) Catch-up Fridays;
9) Early Language Literacy and Numeracy (ELLN);
10) Policy Guidelines on the Implementation of the Comprehensive Sexuality Education (DepEd Order No. 31, s. 2018);
11) Child Rights Policy: Adopting the Rights-Based Education Framework in Philippine Basic Education (DepEd Order No. 31, s. 2022);
12) DepEd Child Protection Policy (DepEd Order No. 40, s. 2012); and
13) Safe Spaces Act (Republic Act No. 11313).

Overall, the SY 2023-2024 INSET program promises to be a valuable experience for all teachers in the DEPED. By providing teachers with the necessary skills and knowledge, the program will help to improve the quality of education in the Philippines and ensure that students receive the best possible education.

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