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Suspension of Learning Action Cell (LAC) sessions in public schools during the Christmas break

This is in reference with the various inquiries and reports of the conduct of Learning Aciton Cell (LAC) sessions in public schools during the Christmas break (December 18, 2023- January 2, 2024).

With regard to the foregoing and in order to allow teachers to participate in Christmas-related activities, the conduct of LAC sessions, in any modality, for the month of December in all public schools SHALL NOT BE SCHEDULED during the Christmas break. -OASOPS No. 2023-245

Suspension of Learning Action Cell (LAC) sessions in public schools during the Christmas break

The Significance of Learning Action Cell (LAC) Sessions

Learning Action Cells (LACs) have become an integral part of the educational system, fostering collaborative professional development among teachers. These sessions provide educators with a platform to share insights, discuss teaching methodologies, and collectively address challenges faced in the classroom. The collaborative nature of LACs contributes to the continuous improvement of teaching practices, ultimately benefiting students and the educational community as a whole.

Acknowledging the Importance of the Christmas Break

The Christmas break holds a special place in the hearts of educators, students, and their families. It is a time to unwind, recharge, and celebrate the spirit of the season. Teachers, who tirelessly dedicate themselves to the betterment of their students throughout the year, deserve the opportunity to partake in Christmas-related activities, spend quality time with their loved ones, and rejuvenate for the upcoming academic challenges.

Suspension of LAC Sessions

In response to the various inquiries and reports regarding the conduct of LAC sessions during the Christmas break, education authorities have taken a commendable step to prioritize the well-being of teachers. The decision to suspend the scheduling of conduct of Learning Aciton Cell (LAC) sessions in public schools during the Christmas break (December 18, 2023- January 2, 2024) is a thoughtful acknowledgment of the importance of work-life balance, especially during festive seasons.

Impact on Teachers

The decision to pause LAC sessions during the Christmas break is expected to have a positive impact on teachers' morale and overall job satisfaction. By allowing educators to fully engage in Christmas-related activities without the added responsibility of attending professional development sessions, teachers can return to their classrooms in the new year with renewed energy and enthusiasm.


As we approach the Christmas break, the decision to suspend the scheduling of Learning Action Cell (LAC) sessions is a testament to the education authorities' commitment to the well-being of teachers. This thoughtful gesture recognizes the significance of balancing professional development with personal and family time, contributing to a healthier and more motivated teaching community. It is an encouraging step that fosters a positive work environment, ultimately benefiting both teachers and students alike. 


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