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     Are you a teacher or a parent who is looking for free download periodical exams with TOS for the 1st quarter from Kinder to Grade 12? If yes, then you have come to the right place. In this blog post, we will provide you with the latest files of periodical tests, reviewers, and summative tests for the 4th quarter of SY 2023-2024. These materials are perfect for your classroom assessment, formative assessment, and student assessment needs.


The 1st quarter is a critical time for both students and teachers. It is the period where students should have already grasped the essential concepts and skills they need to learn to be able to progress to the next level. As a teacher, it is crucial to assess your students' understanding of the topics covered during the first and second quarters. One way to do this is by administering the 4th periodical tests.

DepEd 1st Periodical Tests are essential tools for external evaluation and classroom assessment. These tests help teachers identify students' strengths and weaknesses, adjust their teaching strategies, and help their students perform better in the remaining parts of the school year. To help you with your assessment needs, we have compiled the latest and most comprehensive 1st Periodical Tests Reviewer and 1st Periodical Tests Compilation for SY 2023-2024.


   The 1st Quarterly Exams Compilation covers all subjects, including English, Math, Science, Filipino, Araling Panlipunan, and MAPEH. The files are in Word format, making it easy to download and print for your convenience. The MELC-Based Periodical Tests are also included in the compilation to ensure that the tests are aligned with the DepEd curriculum standards.

As a teacher, it is essential to have a variety of assessment tools to help you evaluate your students' performance. With the 1st Periodical Tests Reviewer, you can provide your students with a comprehensive review of the topics covered during the 1st quarter. This reviewer includes sample test questions, answer keys, and a scoring rubric to help you evaluate your students' understanding of the lessons.

Assessment is an essential part of the teaching and learning process. It helps teachers identify students' strengths and weaknesses and develop appropriate teaching strategies to help them achieve their learning goals. With the free download periodical exam with TOS for the 1st quarter from Kinder to Grade 12, you can assess your students' understanding of the topics covered during the 1st quarter and help them prepare for the next level.  

Grade 10 1st Periodical Test with TOS Compilation for SY 2023 – 2024, FREE DOWNLOAD


This free downloadable printable 1st quarter periodical test is provided for general informational and educational purposes only. 

While we have made efforts to ensure the accuracy and quality of the content, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability of the test materials. Any reliance you place on this test is strictly at your own risk.

Furthermore, we disclaim any responsibility for any loss, damage, or inconvenience caused as a result of the use of this test or any information contained within it. We strongly advise that you review it first, make necessary modifications to align it with the MELC (Most Essential Learning Competencies), and validate the periodical tests accordingly.

By downloading and using this 1st periodical test, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this disclaimer, and you agree to use the materials provided herein solely for general educational purposes. 

If you have any questions or queries, suggestions and recommendation about the SHS Periodical Tests please contact us through our contact page CONTAC US


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