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Media and Information Literacy Lesson #4 DLL, Free Download

 I. Objectives

    A. Content Standards

The learner  demonstrates understanding of  Media and information  literacy (MIL) and MIL  related concepts.

    B. Performance Standard

The learner organizes a creative and interactive  symposium for the  community focusing  on being a media  and information  literate individual.

    C. Learning Competencies

The learners identify the similarities and differences of media literacy, information literacy, and technology literacy. MIL11/ 12IMIL IIIa-2

    D. Learning Objectives

Differentiate media, information and technology literacy.


Introduction to Media and Information Literacy


A. References

B. Other Learning Resources

Lee, Alice and So, Clement (2013). Media Literacy and Information Literacy: Similarities and Differences. China. Retrieved @ on June 10, 2020.


A.Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson

The teacher may ask the students to recall the previous lesson and share it before the class.
Communication is giving or gaining information by speaking or reading and writing. In this we need to supply facts whenever we communicate with others. In simple matters like telling your friends what happened to you, we converse with others by communicating. It serves as our connection with each other. Communication isn’t just by talking, it can be in other different terms also, like sign language or writing.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

Directions. Identify the statements below. Options are the following:  media literacy, information literacy, and technology literacy..

I joined the FB Group Chat in our Grade 12 section.
I downloaded the published articles which are related to my thesis.
I used my cell phone to browse the internet.
Note: This activity is purely voluntary. 

C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson

        Directions. Read the reading material.

Media Literacy and Information Literacy: Similarities and Differences
Alice Lee and Clement So

In knowledge society, there is currently a call for cultivating a combination of media literacy and information literacy. This, however, requires cooperation from these two separate fields of study, and uncertainty regarding their boundaries hinders a smooth merger. It is unclear whether they are subsets of each other or separate entities. In this study, we have explored the relationship between these two fields by empirically mapping out their territories and discussing their similarities and differences. We have made use of the Web of Science database to delineate the content and boundary of these two fields. Our findings from 1956 to 2012 show that the two fields have different authors, university affiliations, and journals; they also differ in terms of academic origin, scope, and social concern. Information literacy has a closer tie to library science, while media literacy is more related to media content, media industry, and social effects. Due to their different academic orientations, the two fields adopt different analytical approaches. We have found that media literacy is not a subset of information literacy as some scholars have suggested, although the two fields have similarities. They share the same goal, and their publications overlap in terms of subject areas, countries of origin, and titles. The two fields could find common ground by cooperating together to contribute to the promotion of new literacy in knowledge societies.

However, Technology Literacy helps one to communicate, solve problems, and enhance life-long learning skills for future progress. Technology Skills: Technology skills are gadgets and computer skills that one must possess to  utilize technology effectively in any academic or non-academic setting.

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

Can you identify media literacy, information literacy, and technology literacy?
Provide one (1) example of each three (3) above-mentioned literacies.

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2

Writing Sentences. Directions. Write down 2 statements to identify the similarities and 3 sentences to identify the differences between and among media literacy, information literacy, and technology literacy. Write down your answers on the 1/4 size intermediate paper.

Guide Questions:
What are the similarities of media, information, and technology literacies?
Possible answer: Similarities between Media Literacy and Information Literacy:
Shared Goal: Both media literacy and information literacy share the common goal of promoting literacy in knowledge societies. They aim to equip individuals with the skills and knowledge necessary to navigate, critically evaluate, and make informed decisions about the vast amount of information and media content available.
Overlap in Subject Areas: The two fields have overlapping subject areas. This suggests that they both deal with topics related to information and media, albeit from slightly different perspectives.
Cooperation Potential: The article suggests that there is potential for these two fields to cooperate and contribute to the promotion of new literacy in knowledge societies. They can complement each other's strengths and address the challenges presented by the ever-evolving media and information landscape.

What are the differences between media, information, and technology literacies?
Possible answer: Differences between Media Literacy and Information Literacy:
Different Origins: Media literacy and information literacy have different academic origins. Information literacy is closely tied to library science, suggesting a focus on organizing and managing information resources. In contrast, media literacy is more connected to media content, the media industry, and its social effects, indicating a focus on understanding and critically analyzing media messages.
Different Analytical Approaches: The two fields adopt different analytical approaches due to their distinct academic orientations. Information literacy may emphasize skills related to information organization and retrieval, while media literacy may emphasize skills related to analyzing and interpreting media content.
Different Authors, Affiliations, Journals: The study found that media literacy and information literacy have different authors, university affiliations, and journals. This further supports the notion that they are distinct fields of study with their own academic communities.

F. Developing mastery (Leads to Formative Assessment 3)

Discuss two practical examples of how media literacy, information literacy, or technology literacy can be applied in daily life.

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

What are the similarities of media, information, and technology literacies?
What are the differences between media, information, and technology literacies?

H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

What are the similarities and differences between and among media literacy, information literacy, and technology literacy?

I. Evaluating learning

 Instructions: Choose the correct option for each question.

1. What is the primary focus of media literacy?
 a. Using technology for information retrieval 
b. Evaluating and analyzing media messages 
c. Managing personal information online 
d. Writing and editing digital content

2. Information literacy primarily involves: 
a. Recognizing different media formats 
b. Understanding how technology works 
c. Evaluating and effectively using information 
d. Creating digital art and graphics

3. Which of the following is NOT a component of technology literacy? a. Understanding computer hardware b. Navigating social media c. Programming skills d. Analyzing media bias
4. What is the main purpose of media literacy? 
a. To create digital content 
b. To effectively communicate with peers 
c. To critically analyze and understand media messages 
d. To develop coding skills

5. How do media literacy, information literacy, and technology literacy relate to each other? 
a. They are unrelated concepts. 
b. They all involve evaluating and using information effectively. 
c. They focus on physical fitness and health. 
d. They are only relevant in academic settings.

b (Evaluating and analyzing media messages)
c (Evaluating and effectively using information)
d (Analyzing media bias)
c (To critically analyze and understand media messages)
b (They all involve evaluating and using information effectively)

J. Additional activities for application or remediation

How will you show respect to your classmates especially in social media?

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