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Media and Information Literacy Lesson #2 DLL, Free Download

 I. Objectives

    A. Content Standards

The learner  demonstrates understanding of  Media and information  literacy (MIL) and MIL  related concepts.

    B. Performance Standard

The learner organizes a creative and interactive  symposium for the  community focusing  on being a media  and information  literate individual.

    C. Learning Competencies

Describe how communication is influenced by media and information MIL11/12IMILIIIa-1

    D. Learning Objectives

Explain how communication is affected by media and information


Introduction to Media and Information Literacy: Media Literacy, Information Literacy & Technology Literacy


A. References

B. Other Learning Resources


A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson

The teacher may ask the students to recall the previous lesson and share it before the class.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

The teacher shall ask the following questions:

Have you participated in sharing your personal messages on FB Messenger platform?
Have you joined the group video chat on FB Messenger platform?

C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson

True or False. Directions. Analyze the contributions of social media in public communication. Write T if your answer is True and F if your answer is False. Write your answers on a short-size bond paper or intermediate paper.
1. Any Facebook account can post the health protocols when entering the supermarket.
2. You can use Visual Communication like the Heart icon if you really like the post.
3. Anybody with an FB account can chat with his/her family members to wear the face mask and face shield when going out from home to purchase essential goods if their FB accounts are open to the public.
4. Any FB user account can utilize his or her Facebook account to call you up via video chat application. Social Networking Sites Government Websites
5. It is only your classmate who can create a Chat group for the subject Research 1.

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

1. Can you write down the different features of the FB platform?
2. Have you communicated with other people with the use of FB Messenger Video Call?
3. How can you perform the video call?

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2

F. Developing mastery (Leads to Formative Assessment 3)

In your own opinion, explain how communication is affected by media and information. Please refer to the Exercise 1 Guidelines in Writing. Write your answers on a short-size bond paper or an intermediate paper.

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

Communication is giving or gaining information by speaking or reading and writing. In this we need to supply facts whenever we communicate with others. In simple matters like telling your friends what happened to you, we converse with others by communicating. It serves as our connection with each other. Communication isn’t just by talking, it can be in other different terms also, like sign language or writing.

Note: The students shall sum-up the concepts orally.

H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

The teacher uses differentiated, developmentally appropriate learning experiences to address learners’ gender, needs, strengths, interests and experiences.(6)
Complete the organizer. Boys, girls, gays and lesbians are encouraged to participate in this activity asking their needs, strengths, interests and experiences.

I. Evaluating learning

Multiple Choice. Directions. Evaluate the use of social media and information. Choose the letter that corresponds to the right answer and write down your answers on a short-size bond paper or an intermediate paper.

1. What particular platform is executed when you use the web browser for social networking activities?

a. Facts c. Computing platform
b. Dummy account d. Infographics

2. What are graphic visual representations of information that can affect public communication when these are made to mislead the viewing public?

a. Facts c. Computing platform
b. Dummy account d. Infographics

3. What type of user account is created which is not for real that can affect communication?

a. Department account c. Personal account
b. Dummy account d. Institution account

4. What do people need when they communicate with others? 

a. Facts c. Computing platform
b. Dummy account d. Infographics

5. What type of communication is used when the social media user uses the Heart icon if he/she really likes the post?

a. Written c. Visual
b. Facts d. Computing platform

6. What type of communication is used if the social media user encodes alternative facts or fake news to be posted on the platform to mislead the reading public?

a. Written c Visual
b. Facts d. Computing platform

7. When is communication affected by media and information?

a. It is to minimize the lavishly circulated fake news on social media platforms.
b. It is to empower us to make decisions pertaining to information, communications, and media technology.
c. It is when alternative facts or fake news releases are posted on dummy accounts.
d. It is good enough if people would analyze the messages they receive and would only share legitimate infographics, web pages, and video clips to the public.

8. Why does the government need a larger set of literacy?

a. It is to minimize the lavishly circulated fake news on social media platforms
b. It is to empower us to make decisions pertaining to information, communications, and media technology.
c. It is when alternative facts or fake news releases are posted on dummy accounts.
d. It is good enough if people would analyze the messages they receive and would only share legitimate infographics, web pages, and video clips to the public.

9. Based on the opinionated article, why do we need to become literate and critical thinkers in the utilization of social media platforms?

a. It is to minimize the lavishly circulation of fake news on social media platforms
b. It is to empower us to make decisions pertaining to information, communications, and media technology.
c. It is when alternative facts or fake news releases are posted on dummy accounts.
d. It is good enough if people would analyze the messages they receive and would only share legitimate infographics, web pages, and video clips to the public.

10. How do people minimize the lavishly circulated fake news posted on social networking sites?
a. It is to minimize the lavishly circulated fake news on social media platforms
b. It is to empower us to make decisions pertaining to information, communications, and media technology.
c. It is when alternative facts or fake news releases are posted on dummy accounts.
d. It is good enough if people would analyze the messages they receive and would only share legitimate infographics, web pages, and video clips to the public.
e. a and b

J. Additional activities for application or remediation

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