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DBM Announces Release of 2021 Performance-Based Bonus for Public School

 In a much-awaited announcement, the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) revealed its plans to disburse a staggering P11.6 billion in performance-based bonuses (PBB) to over 920,000 dedicated public school teachers. This momentous decision was made public by the DBM on Thursday, marking a significant milestone for the teaching profession and the Department of Education (DepEd).

According to the DBM, they have taken proactive steps to facilitate the release of these bonuses, including the issuance of Special Allotment Release Orders (SAROs) and Notice of Cash Allocations (NCAs) to 16 regional offices of DepEd. These financial resources are specifically earmarked for the 2021 PBB for the school-based personnel of DepEd.

The beneficiaries of this generous allocation are none other than the 920,073 educators diligently serving in public elementary and secondary schools under the aegis of DepEd. This unprecedented disbursement underscores the government's unwavering commitment to recognizing and rewarding the tireless efforts of our educators.

In a statement echoing the sentiments of the nation, Budget Secretary Amenah F. Pangandaman affirmed the government's solidarity with the teaching community, stating, "The DBM stands with our nation’s educators and recognizes their extraordinary work…That is why we are one with our teachers in the pursuit of the immediate release of their PBB."

The process leading up to this momentous announcement involved a meticulous evaluation and validation of documents submitted by DepEd between April and August. The DBM based the 2021 PBB on DepEd's accomplishments during the reference year, as detailed in the Final Evaluation Assessment released by Administrative Order No. 25 Inter-Agency Task Force in January 2023.

However, the sheer scale of eligible personnel, numbering around 900,000 employees in the DepEd, along with the voluminous documentation, posed challenges during the process. The DBM noted, "This could be attributed to the strikingly high number of eligible personnel at around 900,000 employees in the DepEd, and the voluminous documents being submitted for the purpose."

In a separate development, the DBM has also undertaken the task of scrutinizing the PBB claims of non-teaching personnel in eight Regional Offices (RO). Issues such as duplicate entries, incorrect information on months of service, and discrepancies in personnel records prompted the DBM to return documents to DepEd for revalidation or revision. The ROs affected by this process include NCR, CAR, RO Nos. III, IV-A, VIII, XI, XII, and XIII. Upon receipt, validation, and approval by the DBM, these documents will proceed to the DBM Regional Offices for the issuance of SAROs and NCAs.

This announcement from the DBM comes as a beacon of hope and recognition for the dedicated to our public school teachers who have tirelessly nurtured the minds of our nation's youth. It serves as a testament to the government's unwavering commitment to education and the integral role teachers play in shaping the future of our nation. As these bonuses are soon to be in the hands of our deserving teachers, it is a moment to celebrate their hard work, dedication, and resilience.

DBM Announces Release of 2021 Performance-Based Bonus for Public School

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